5 Beneficial Supplements to Improve Your Pregnancy Care

5 Beneficial Supplements to Improve Your Pregnancy Care

It is commonly said that when you’re pregnant, you’re eating for two, and it is true. Pregnant women have a lot to deal with as it is, and they need to make sure their dietary intake is meeting all the nutrient requirements that their body needs. 

Their intake needs to increase for obvious reasons, which means there is also an additional requirement for vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. They will help your baby grow in a healthy and safe manner, and it can really help boost your fetus’s growth.

Some of the most beneficial supplements that aid pregnancy care include the following:

  1. Folic Acid
  2. Iron
  3. Calcium
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Prenatal Vitamins

Folic Acid

Folic acid is a necessity for growth and development of each individual cell. Since your baby is growing from just that – cells, you need to make sure it has the folate necessary for healthy growth. It helps with DNA synthesis, boosts cell growth, and increases the level of red cell production. The recommended daily amount of folic acid that pregnant women need is 400 mcg.

Iron Supplements

The blood volume of a pregnant woman increases by nearly 45 percent, so the need for iron to produce red blood cells also increases drastically. Iron supplements are a must in pregnant women because iron strengthens red blood cells and increases the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. It is also key to the placenta growth and development. Pregnant women need to consume at least 27 milligrams of iron everyday.

Calcium Supplements

Calcium is another key mineral that your baby needs for healthy growth. Calcium helps strengthen your baby’s teeth, bones, heart, muscles and nerves. Your baby is going to need a significant amount of Calcium to grow healthily, and if you don’t consume enough Calcium in your diet, your baby will take the Calcium it needs from your body. This will make you weaker and could lead to complications in later stages of your pregnancy. The daily recommended intake for Calcium is 1,000 milligrams.

Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D and Calcium go hand in hand. If you take your daily dose of Calcium in the form of supplements or adding Calcium-rich foods to your diet, and don’t have the necessary minerals to absorb it into your system, the Calcium intake will go to waste. Vitamin D helps with Calcium absorption into your body. Pregnant women are required to take 10 mcg of Vitamin D on a daily basis.

Prenatal Vitamins

What are prenatal vitamins? Are they really necessary? Or are your regular multivitamins enough?

Prenatal vitamins are like multivitamins, but designed with specific micronutrients that pregnant women may end up being deficient in over the course of their pregnancy. Women are supposed to take their prenatal vitamins throughout their pregnancy, and it is even recommended to consume them after giving birth, till the time they are breastfeeding.

They help fill in all the nutritional gaps that you might be missing out on in your diet and other supplements, and based on your requirements, you may not even need the others. Always consult with your doctor before starting your medication, and see what they recommend.

Taking care of yourself is a priority, especially during your pregnancy because the only way to make sure your child is healthy is by making sure you’re healthy first!

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